Cheek Augmentation: What Incisions Are Used?

Cheekbone augmentation is a popular aesthetic surgical procedure that seeks to emphasize the cheeks of a person's face. Depending on the technique used, different incisions may be required.

Cheek Augmentation: What Incisions Are Used?

Cheekbone augmentation is a popular aesthetic surgical procedure that seeks to emphasize the cheeks of a person's face. Depending on the technique used, different incisions may be required. Fat transfer requires small incisions near the area of fat being removed and near the cheeks. Cheek augmentation surgery usually takes about an hour to an hour and a half to perform.

During the procedure, the plastic surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth, just above the gum line. A pocket is then created above the bone surface of the cheek to insert the implant. The size of the implant and the amount of augmentation are decided in advance during a consultation with Dr. This will help provide a natural balance and proportion to your face.

The implant is positioned and stabilized by a screw that provides stability to the implant during the healing phase. The screw is left in place permanently. Injections with the patient's own fat or a soft tissue filler, such as Restylane, are also popular for cheek augmentation. Rarely, multiple cuts may be made in the zygomatic bone (cheekbone).

Cheek augmentation is commonly combined with other procedures, such as a facelift or chin augmentation. Cheek implant augmentation is performed, with local anesthesia and sedation, in a surgeon's office or in an outpatient surgery center and usually takes one to two hours. The cheekbone augmentation incision can be made inside the lower eyelid or inside the upper lip, or a pre-existing incision can be used if you are having several procedures. After cheek implant augmentation, there is pain, swelling, and numbness at the incision site and in the cheeks; they are treated with prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers.Like other types of plastic surgery procedures, cheekbone augmentation can make your face look younger or balance your facial features, making you feel more attractive.

Cheekbone augmentation leaves scars; however, because the incisions are made inside the mouth, scars are not visible. Some of the inherent risks of cheekbone augmentation include infections, nerve damage, and excessive bleeding.Kirby performs cheekbone augmentation in Fort Worth to emphasize cheekbones and tighten facial skin %26 soft tissues, improving definition on the face.

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