Cheek Augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide

Cheek augmentation is a surgical procedure that seeks to enhance the appearance of the cheeks. Learn about procedure steps, cost, risks & safety and questions to ask.

Cheek Augmentation: A Comprehensive Guide

Cheek augmentation is a surgical procedure that seeks to enhance the appearance of the cheeks. It can be done through fat grafting, cheek implants, or injections with a soft tissue filler. The goal of this procedure is to add volume or lift to the cheeks, making them look fuller and more youthful. Cheek implants, also known as cheekbone augmentation, are inserted to enhance the cheekbones or make the cheeks fuller.

This procedure can make your face look younger and balance your facial features, making you feel more attractive. Cheek implants are usually recommended for younger patients who want a permanent solution to fix bone structures within the cheeks.Injections with the patient's own fat or a soft tissue filler, such as Restylane, are also popular for cheek augmentation. Rarely, multiple cuts may be made in the zygomatic bone (cheekbone). Cheek augmentation is commonly combined with other procedures, such as a facelift or chin augmentation.The ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeons and plastic surgeons at UT Southwestern Medical Center have the experience and training necessary to achieve excellent results in cheekbone augmentation and other facial cosmetic surgeries.

During the cheekbone augmentation procedure, a small incision is made in each cheek inside the mouth, near the gum line, or inside the lower eyelid; it is through this incision that the implant is inserted.Most people feel a tight and tight feeling in the cheek area after receiving cheek implants or fillers, but this usually goes away within a week. Scarring is minimal with increased cheekbones because the incisions are made inside the mouth or lower eyelid.Fat injection cheek augmentation surgery is an outpatient procedure and patients can go home the same day. Whatever your reason for wanting to increase your appearance, cheek implant surgery is a viable option that can be easily combined with other facial cosmetic procedures.

Procedure Steps

Cheek augmentation is typically done in an outpatient setting under general anesthesia. The procedure begins with an incision made inside the mouth near the gum line or inside the lower eyelid.

The implant is then inserted through this incision and placed over the cheekbone. Injections with fat or soft tissue fillers are also used for this procedure.


The cost of cheek augmentation varies depending on factors such as type of implant used, type of anesthesia used, and geographic location. Generally speaking, fat injections are less expensive than implants. The average cost of cheek augmentation ranges from $3,000 to $5,000.

Risks and Safety

As with any surgical procedure, there are risks associated with cheek augmentation.

These include infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve damage, and asymmetry. It is important to discuss these risks with your doctor before undergoing any type of surgery.

Questions to Ask

  • What type of implant will be used?
  • What type of anesthesia will be used?
  • How long will it take for me to recover?
  • What kind of follow-up care will I need?
  • What kind of results can I expect?
Cheek augmentation can be an effective way to enhance your appearance and make you feel more confident about your looks. It is important to discuss all of your options with your doctor before undergoing any type of surgery.

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