How Long Does Cheek Augmentation Take? A Comprehensive Guide

Cheek augmentation surgery is a popular procedure that can help you achieve a more youthful and attractive appearance. Learn more about how long it takes and what to expect.

How Long Does Cheek Augmentation Take? A Comprehensive Guide

Cheek augmentation surgery is a popular procedure that can help you achieve a more youthful and attractive appearance. It typically takes about an hour to an hour and a half to perform, and the recovery time is usually around 6 weeks. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon will make a small incision inside the mouth and place the cheek implant in a small pocket under your skin. Afterward, there may be pain, swelling, and numbness at the incision site and in the cheeks, which can be treated with prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers.

Cheekbone augmentation is another type of cheek augmentation that typically takes two hours to complete. This procedure is done through an incision above the gum line of the upper teeth, below each cheek. Patients can expect 3 to 5 days of swelling in the cheeks. The duration of any surgery is determined by the work being performed at that time.

Good candidates for cheekbone augmentation are healthy people with realistic expectations of adding a new dimension to their face. A weak cheek structure can cause a sunken and unhealthy appearance, while a heavier cheek frame can make one look overweight. People of all ages tend to be good candidates, but it is often recommended for younger patients who want to find a permanent solution to fix bone structures within the cheeks. Non-surgical cheek augmentation is also an option for those seeking to fill sunken cheeks, undefined cheekbones, or age-related fat loss on the face.

This procedure usually involves injecting fillers into the cheeks to add volume and definition. Kirby performs cheekbone augmentation in Fort Worth to emphasize cheekbones and tighten facial skin & soft tissues, improving definition on the face. Whatever your reason for wanting to increase your appearance, cheek implant surgery or non-surgical augmentation are viable options that can be easily combined with other facial cosmetic procedures, such as brow lifts, forehead lifts, rhinoplasty, otoplasty, and facelifts.

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